Hallo zusammen,
ich will mir demnaechst einen rauchigen Roggenbock brauen und hab mir gedacht, dass sich dafuer nach den Beschreibungen eine Trappistenhefe ganz gut anhoert. Kann mir jemand eine von White Labs oder Wyeast empfehlen?
Gruesse Hotte
Hallo Hotte,
erstmal Wyeast:
3787 Trappist High Gravity.
Probable origin: Westmalle, Belgium
Beer Styles: Doubles, Triples, Abbey, Beir de Grarde
Commercial examples may include: Westmalle, Rochfort, Chimay, Casteel
Unique properties: This strain produces intense esters and phenolic characteristics with complex fruitiness. Does not produce significant amount of iso-amyl acetate (banana esters) or bubble gum esters typical of many yeast of this style. Phenol and ester production are influenced by fermentation temperatures. Phenols tend to dissipate as beer matures. This type of yeast benefits from incremental feeding of sugars during fermentation, making suitable conditions for doubles and triples, to ferment to dryness with good alcohol tolerance approximately 11-12% ABV. True top cropping yeast with broad temperature range. Flocculation - medium; apparent attenuation 75-80%. (64-78° F, 18-25° C)
und Whitelabs:
Trappist Ale
From one of the six Trappist breweries remaining in the world, this yeast produces the distinctive fruitiness and plum characteristics. Excellent yeast for high gravity beers, Belgian ales, dubbels and trippels.
Attenuation: 75-80; Flocculation: low to medium; Optimum Ferm. Temp: 65-72
und der Link dazu: http://www.whitelabs.com/results.asp Seite 3
Das ist rein informativ, was ich jetzt hier poste. Habe keinerlei Erfahrung mit diesen Hefe. Aber da wirst du von anderen Teilnehmern sicherlich mehr erfahren.